Change in plans
Week 5    9/08/2021

We realised that our original plan of building a surrounding around the exhibit plane may be a minor inconvenience. Because, to test our experience throughout production, we would need to access (and travel) to the museum model every time.

So, we re-evaluated our idea. We wanted to make the AR experience more accessible to the user,  and making the plane model leap out of paper, rather than needing to visit the museum. This would help provide ease for our production testing, as well as easier access for the general public. However, this approach would also raise the difficulty of our project; bring about more challenges for 3D modellers.

In our team meeting, with some insight from Von (who has som experience with Unity), we discussed what was feasible within our time frame.  

Project Rabaul V2

The new idea is a 3-page booklet where users scan QR codes unique to each page to bring to life the Japanese Fighter jet in 3 different locations. We have two main pages: P1, sky and P2, ground, as well as P3, landing ship, which will be built if we have time. There were sacrifices with this idea however. The user does not get an immersive surrounding around the real plane, and there is less incentive for visiting the exhibit. We hope however, that our booklet would still spark curiosity and attract museum visitors to see the plane.

Oh no, Lockdown?
Week 6    16/08/2021

We had suddenly entered Level 4 lockdown with the arrival of the Delta strain.
Luckily, we had unintentionally prepared for this event, as we shifted our brief to a printable project. Sadly, our intended trip to the museum was no longer legal, and we could only use online resources to help us understand and model the plane. This is not too big of an issue, however, as the mitsibushi A6M3 was a historically significant plane with a large online footprint. Therefore, we could find many resources on the web.

We also had to shift our meetings online, using our discord channel. This did not hinder our project too much, and we jumped straight back into the process.

Concept Art
On the discord channel, the concept artists each voted for which page they wanted to work on (land or sky). I chose to do land, and was assigned specifically to sketch up different types of landscapes. I used the Miro inspiration board and googled images of the zero-fighter in Rabaul at the time, as well as coloured photos of Rabaul scenery in the present.  

There were also different approaches to how the scene could pop or indent into the paper. We decided to choose the ground pop up approach. 
I then created a more detailed concepts for the land page. This would be passed on to Stephen to photoshop a higher fidelity prototype. I also drew a concept showcasing the beach of Rabaul (just as an extra ideation)
Next blog: First Stand up->

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